Pledge Taking Ceremony, SVEEP awareness program held at GHSS Bani

KATHUA, AUGUST 31: To promote voter awareness and the importance of ethical voting, a pledge-taking ceremony and awareness program were conducted today at Government Higher Secondary School, Bani, under the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) initiative.

Students from classes 11th and 12th actively participated in the event.

Neha Sharma and Ishan Gupta, students of the school, delivered insightful speeches on the importance of voting and the vital role of youth in strengthening democracy. Their presentations emphasized how young voters can shape the future of the nation through informed and responsible participation in the electoral process.

The AC Nodal Officer, SVEEP 63-Bani Prof. Naseeb Kumar Bhagat, provided valuable insights into the latest technological advancements introduced by the Election Commission of India. He highlighted the role of apps such as C-Vigil, KYC, and Saksham, which have been launched to provide citizens with updated electoral information. Prof. Bhagat also encouraged the future voters to spread the message of ethical voting within their communities.

The Sector Officer 63- Bani AC Dr. Resham Singh spoke on the significance of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) in ensuring free and fair elections. His address underscored the importance of adhering to the MCC to maintain the integrity of the electoral process.

The ceremony concluded with a solemn pledge by all attendees to commit to free and fair voting without any form of inducement.

A formal vote of thanks was delivered by Incharge Principal of the School Kulwinder Kumari, who expressed her gratitude to all participants for their enthusiasm and dedication to the cause of promoting democratic values.

This event ended with the resolve to keep empowering the youth of Bani with the knowledge and responsibility to contribute to the democratic process, reinforcing the importance of their role in shaping the nation’s future.