Prashasan Gaoon ki Aur: SHD B’pora conducts awareness camp at Kilshay Tulail

BANDIPORA, DECEMBER 25:  On the directions of Deputy Commissioner Bandipora, Dr. Owais Ahmad and as part of Good Governance Week, Sheep Husbandry Department (SHD), Bandipora today organised  an  awareness cum sensitization camp for sheep farmers at  Kilshey,Tulail, one the remotest hamlet of Tulail valley.

The event witnessed participation of small, marginal sheep farmers and local PRIs of the area. 

During the camp, experts threw a detailed light on the various employment generation schemes of the Department especially Integrated Sheep Development scheme (ISDS) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) aimed at providing gainful employment and livestock based livelihoods to the youth in remote tribal areas.

 Dr Hilal Ramzan VAS, Badugam  deliberated in detail on subsidized livestock insurance, winter management of livestock and registration of animals on INAPH Portal.

The grievances/ demands put forth by the local farmers were redressed on the spot. 

The event concluded with the distribution of seed kits of perennial fodder rye grass among the participants.