Rahul habitual of insulting India on foreign soil: Y V Sharma
JAMMU June 1: BJP Spokesperson, Y.V. Sharma, while addressing press conference at party headquarter, alongwith Media Secretary Dr. Pardeep Mahotra, said that Congress Ex President, Rahul Gandhi, who is on a foreign trip, has once again started speaking against Indian traditions & the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, which is highly condemnable.

“Rahul Gandhi has become habitual of insulting India on foreign soil, which is clear from his past track of foreign visits”, said Y V Sharma.
Sharma said that in India Rahul Gandhi claims to be from “Dattatreya Gotra”, wears Yagnopavit over his coat, selectively, during election times with an uncomfortably wrapped dhoti in public view to indicate that he believes in Indian tradition, but in foreign land he mocks the Indian tradition of “Sashtang Dandavat Pranam”. If he had an iota of sensitivity about this tradition he could have gone to the nearest ISKCON temple in the US to understand the concept of “Sashtang Dandavat Pranam” before opening his mouth or gone to “Swami Narayan” temple or probably read about the traditions of “Dandi Swamis”. By this act of mockery, he has exposed his hollowness & superficial understanding of Indian culture & traditions & convinced the Indians that he is playing to the tune of Sam Pitroda & the likes & doesn’t have a mind of his own.
Rahul calls the elected Prime Minister of India a “specimen” & mocks his unquestioned rootedness in Indian traditions. Such is his deceptive “mayajaal” that the people of India will have to be on constant guard & be careful about such a chameleon-like character.
Rahul Gandhi is an uncouth human being, who believes that his fakery & falsehood & support from agencies inimical to the interests of India shall catapult him into the seat of the Prime Minister of India. He believes that as an “entitled individual” he has a right to mock down to earth Prime Minister of India, who rose to this position because of his unstinting love for this country & his commitment to raise the living standard of the last person on the social ladder.
Can Rahul Gandhi explain as to why more than 50% of his audience in his first meeting in the US did not stand up during the Indian National Anthem? My hunch is that most of the audience in the meeting included people from Pakistan who had no compunction of standing up to the Indian National Anthem.
Added to this is the public avowal of people like George Sores that they would like to see a regime change in the 2024 parliamentary elections in India for which he has committed billions of US Dollars.
To sum it up, Rahul Gandhi, in my opinion, is not keeping good company & wants to come back to power with the help of companions whose interests lie not in the upliftment of Indian masses but elsewhere., Sharma said
The Spokesperson appealed to the people to stand united with Narendra Modi & see through the nefarious designs of powers that want to weaken the country. India has nothing to feel ashamed of for its old traditions. In fact the establishment of Sengol in the new Parliament by the Prime Minister shall constantly cajole & remind the parliamentarians for ages to always stand with the right – stand with “Dharma”.
India’s destiny is on an upswing & looking up because of the efforts of the NDA/BJP Government during the last 9 years. Internationally, India has made a mark for itself & is getting counted. it is the responsibility of every Indian for the betterment of the country.