Rahul Sahai, Chairman PHDCCI Jammu calls on Shridhar Patil, DIG Traffic to discuss traffic-related issues
JAMMU Aug 10: Rahul Sahai Chairman PHDCCI Jammu thanked DIG Traffic for providing opportunity to meet him and to bring in his kind notice the various suggestions, recommendation, issues related to Traffic in Jammu. During the meeting Rahul Sahai said that there is great shortage of manpower in traffic department and this needs to be addressed. He brought in the notice of DIG Traffic the problem of traffic jam at many places which are unmanned especially chowks like Nanak Nagar, Valmiki, and others. He said that situation becomes chaotic during peak hours and requested to look into this.

Related to Transport Nagar, Rahul Sahai said that the main roads which are inside the Transport Nagar should be checked and regulated, as of now no one is managing traffic there and as a result wrong parking of trucks for months on main roads are happening and also mechanics are working on main roads, due to which traffic jams are happening. He suggested permanent deployment of Traffic cops there.
Sahai said that, there is a dire need to identify routes which should be one way as after making of smart city footpaths, roads have become narrow and two way traffic is difficult to ply.
Rahul Sahai said that Stunt biking should be curbed as they are posing a big risk of accidents , especially on highways , Sidhra road etc and its causing a big problems for senior citizens , ladies , new learners driving on the road and voice of bikes are a serious concern for residential areas too .
Rahul Sahai suggested that Aggressive Chalans of these vehicles with tinted glasses should be done as there are some instances where people involved in unlawful activities like drugs etc. are using such vehicles. He also suggested that there should be night plying of the trucks on Jammu Srinagar Highway, which will decongest the road during day. He also said that in rural areas there are dire need of signages, markings on roads and enforcement as lot of accidents are happening.
Rahul Sahai said that awareness about traffic rules and regulations is needed and suggested that PHDCCI and Traffic Department can collaborate and do this. He added that Awareness flyers, videos etc can be made and shared with us so that we can share it in public groups of Civil Society, Industrialists, Traders etc. and more awareness of Traffic department activities could be done. He suggested of forming a WhatsApp group of various trade and industry association where necessary information, traffic advisory etc can be shared.
Rahul Sahai Suggested that In case of accidents ambulances should be made available in City, Highways and rural areas also so that accidents can be managed quickly, and patients could be shifted to nearest hospitals etc. He also suggested that a dedicated toll free number should be there, where needy can call and get a response and it should be advertised.
Samar Dev Charak, Co Chair PHDCCI Jammu said that awareness programmes on safety measures should be organised at various levels. He said that random parking on main roads and inner roads creating problems for commuters. Complaints regarding random parking for long hours in front of the residential or commercial establishments be taken seriously he added. He said that Pick and drop stops should be identified and strictly followed by the local transport operators.
Shantnu Gupta, said that parking charges at Mubarak Mandi are too high and it should be looked into.
Arush Mahajan, said that with the help of IT, Awareness about Traffic Rules and safety measures in Jammu can be done in every nook and corner. He suggested Collaborating with various companies for creating top notch video content & then use social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to showcase Do’s & don’ts of Traffic Rules and safety measures. Collaborate with Bloggers & influencers who have a large following in the industry to create awareness about Traffic rules on social media he added.
Shridhar Patil, DIG Traffic Police Jammu, gave a patient hearing to all the issues, and suggestions and thanked Mr Rahul Sahai Chair PHDCCI Jammu for sharing all inputs . Mr Patil said that he will look into all the issues raised to resolve them. He said that traffic situation in Jammu has improved a lot and his department is working to improve it further. He said that he has requested various Big Organisations to manage the traffic in front of their organisations by themselves . Not to allow any vehicle park wrongly in front of their shops which may disrupt traffic. The shopkeepers of that area should keep one person to handle wrong parking he added. He said managing traffic in Transport Nagar is very much needed and will do asap after consultation with JMC / JDA regarding defining main roads of Transport Nagar and assure main roads of Transport Nagar will be regulated with traffic department .
Patil said that they are planning to put signage’s of Parking and No Parking area at various places. Regarding stunt bikers he said they are keeping a watch on it and violators are punished accordingly. He also said that parents should also keep a check on this and should restrict their children from doing such activities. For plying of trucks he said that the traders and industry should load and unload according the advisory issued by traffic department. Mr Patil shared that 103 is the toll free number which can be used by everyone related to traffic issues. He agreed to form a WhatsApp group of various trade and industry association where necessary information, traffic advisory etc can be shared. Mr Patil said that in association with R & B department they are identifying black spots where major accidents have happened in city or highways and also rectifying them. At last he said that that he is always available for meeting any time for any kind of suggestions and issues
Also present in the meeting were Ashish Jain and Mr Amarpreet Singh, Resident Officer PHDCCI Jammu.