Rahul’s statement over anti encroachment condemned: Sunil Prajapati
JAMMU, February 13 : Sunil Prajapati, President BJP OBC Morcha J&K UT Slammed Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his statement against anti encroachment drive that BJP gave bulldozers to J&K UT instead of employment and better business settlement. His statement is very unfortunate as is like a call for the land grabbers and other opposition parties to intensify protests against Anti-encroachment drive to bring BJP Govt in trouble.

Recently, a similar statement was also given by the Former CM J&K Gulam Navi Azad that if Anti encroachment drive is not stopped, the erra of stone pelting will be back, which was an irresponsible statement and may bring disturbance and insecurity in the region. Sunil Prajapati strongly condemned both these statements as are supportive for those who always speak of Pakistan and call the terrorist as innocents and driven away from the path.
Expressed that many political leaders, Bureaucrats and influenced people have encroached a large area of Govt land in Jammu, mostly in out skirt of the City and near around the Bridges and the National Highways, which has put the security of the Jammu region in danger as has become prone to the terrorist attack backed by the Pakistani ISI Activists. Recent terrorist attack at Narwal Bala is the worst example of the terrorist attack on the National Highways.
The Terrorist involved in the attack was a Kashmiri and had took shelter in a rental accommodation in the areas where colonies are established on encroached Govt lands on the behest of Kashmiri leadership who always speak for talk with Pakistan. The big encroachers have numerous houses but running commercial complex and unauthorized colonies on the Govt lands and in some cases have accommodate Rohangyas and Bangladeshi who have become a problem for the peace and security of Jammu Region as involved in various undesirable activities.
Rahul’s stated that small pieces of land are being evicted, which the people have nurtured for decades. Sunil Prajapati asked Rahul Gandhi, why such sympathy was never seen for the West Pakistani Refugees (WPRs), who migrated from Pakistan during 1947 leaving everything behind. But the Congress party dashed all their hopes of being the residents of J&K by brining Article 35A on 14th May, 1954, when WPRs were rendered homeless, landless and denied proper education, scholarship, employment and denied all other constitutional rights including Voting rights so that no political party may come out for their favour.
Infact that was the biggest BULLDOZER of the Congress Party, which was used against the WPRs by the Nehru-Congress to rendered them homeless, who passed their life over seven decades on the mercy of locals who provided them the shelter and farmer labours work to survive. It only become possible for the WPRs when BJP Govt repealed Article 370 and 35A and accordingly the WPRs become the residents and the voters of J&K first time after 72 years post 05th Aughst 2019.
Congress-NC Govt led by Farooq Abdullaha led Govt enacted Roshni Act 2001 to provide ownership right to the people who were holding the Govt land for forming purpose for more than 30 years, which was otherwise their sole mean of income to nourish the family. However, the farmers were not provided the ownership right but instead the law was used as tool to grab Govb the land by the politicians, top bureaucrats and Influential peoples with political, money and muscle power.
Thousands of Kanasls of Govt land has been grabbed by the Kashmiries including the Farooq and his family members using Roshni Act and many colonies established by Kashmir based peoples for political reason to increase their vote bank in Jammu Region who were otherwise loosing ground in the Jammu. However, when Govt has assured that genuine poors with small piece of land for houses who have no other mean of living will be spared. But the people who have encroached large portion of Govt land or having multiple houses or shopping complexes at different places around the UT will have to face the consequences as per Law and the Apex Court/High Court directions.
The decision of Govt to evict unauthorized colonies or construction over the encroached Govt land is desirable to make the Jammu region safe of all illegal construction which can be used by the terrorists and the militants to disturb the peace as well as to execute the direction of the Court of Law to evict the Govt land from the encroachers.