Rajiv Sharma and Sunil Prajapati inaugurated T-20 Cricket Tournament in Ambh Garota, Jammu
JAMMU, 18 May: T-20 cricket tournament of Bazigar Banjara Samaj was inaugurated By Rajiv Sharma (Former MLA Akhnoor and Sunil Prajapati (State President BJP OBC Morcha) at Ambh Garota, Jammu. Prominent among others who were Present are Sanjay Saraf (Chairman Municipal Corporation Akhnoor, Ravi Mehra (State Vice President OBC Morcha), Raju Bazigar (State Secretary OBC Morcha ),Nitu Verma (District President OBC Morcha Jammu North), Jagadish kumar (General Secretary OBC Morcha Jammu North), Purshottam Pona (Social Media Secretary OBC Morcha Jammu North), Raju Ram (President Bazigar Banjara Samaj), S. K. Dutta Social Activist.

Firtsly Chief Guest interacted with all Eight teams Players from different Zones.
Speaking on the Occasion Rajiv Sharma Said Banaana Samaj is very Poor and Neglected Samaj from the last 70 Years. Previous Government done nothing for their Upliftment. It is only BJP That gave them their rights in the form of Domiclies .
Sunil Prajapati said Playing sports prevents drug use in teens by boosting mental, social, and psychological advances. Youth sports participation enables teens to spend time with friends in a safe environment and obtain social skills that are likely to last a lifetime. Aside from bonding with peers, teen’s learn to solve conflicts effectively, work as a team and learn to be more assertive, all while getting physical fitness. A teenager’s communication skills also are enhanced after playing a sport It appears that an emphasis on having fun while establishing a balance between physical fitness, psychological well-being, and lifelong lessons for a healthy and active lifestyle is paramount for success. Being active and having fun with a positive group of supporting peers is crucial for a teen’s mental development.
Enjoying a healthy active childhood involved in youth sports is beneficial to future of the Participant.
Tournament was Supported by Dharam Jagran Manch .
Eight teams from, Akhnoor, Baghe Bahu, Sarore, Mishriwala, Ratnal, Kalakote, Baribrahmna are Participated in the Tournament.