Rajouri District gears up to implement Intensified Mission Indradhanush 5.0

DC discusses action plan with stakeholder departments

RAJOURI, July 15: Deputy Commissioner Rajouri, Vikas Kundal, today held a meeting to discuss the action plan for the implementation of Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 5.0.

          The program aims to provide immunization to all eligible infants and pregnant women, with a focus on hard-to-reach areas and regions with low immunization coverage. At the outset of the meeting, the CMO, Dr Rajinder Sharma highlighted the objective of the program, which is to ensure that all eligible infants and pregnant women in the district receive the necessary immunizations.

            The program is expected to cover a total population of nearly 1.15 lakh in the district. To identify eligible infants and pregnant women in the district, a headcount survey will be conducted shortly. Health department officials have also received necessary training to prepare for the successful implementation of the program.

           During the meeting, the DC, Vikas Kundal emphasized the importance of ensuring that the benefits of the IMI 5.0 program reach all eligible infants and pregnant women in the district. Strategies such as mapping of high-risk areas, intensified community engagement, and others were discussed to ensure the successful implementation of the program.

         The launch of the IMI 5.0 program is a significant step towards achieving universal immunization coverage for infants and pregnant women and improving their health and wellbeing in the district. The program will help to prevent the spread of deadly infections, reduce mortality rates, and improve the overall health of the targeted population.

          The DC, Vikas Kundal urged the public and all stakeholders to cooperate with the health department officials and to come forward for vaccination. He stressed the importance of spreading the message of the importance of vaccination and actively participating in the program to make it a success.

        With the launch of the IMI 5.0 program, the government of India has demonstrated its continued commitment to ensuring that all eligible infants and pregnant women receive the necessary immunizations. Rajouri district is now preparing for the program, which will safeguard infants and pregnant women from deadly infections and improve the overall health of the targeted population.

        Officers who attended the meeting were CPO, Mohammad Khurshid; PO ICDS, Shoket Mehmood Malik; GM DIC, Ashwini Sharma; DSEO, Sandeep Sharma; CEO Education Sultana kouser; CMO, Dr Rajinder Sharma; MS DH, Dr Mehmood Bajar; DIO, Israr Bukhari and other concerned officers attended the meeting.