Reasi: Modalities discussed for effective implementation of Aspirational Block Development Program

REASI, MAY 30: To accelerate the development of the district, District Development Commissioner Reasi Vishesh Mahajan convened a meeting to discuss the implementation of Aspirational Block Development Programme. The initiative aims to fast-track development in the most backward blocks of the district through a focused approach.

During the meeting, the DDC highlighted the primary objectives of the ABDP, which include improving infrastructure, health, education and overall living standards in the identified blocks. The programme focuses on key performance indicators across various sectors to ensure measurable and impactful progress.

During the deliberations, the DDC underscored the importance of formulating a comprehensive action plan that encapsulates both short-term interventions and long-term visions.

Emphasizing the significance of collective endeavors from all stakeholders, the DDC called for concerted efforts to realize the envisioned outcomes of the ABDP.

Additionally, he advocated for periodic review meetings to gauge progress and effectuate necessary adjustments to the action plan, ensuring its responsiveness to evolving needs.

Seeking cooperation among the stakeholder departments, the DC urged the adoption of best practices to translate intentions into palpable results on the ground.

Furthermore, he directed departments to strive for the 100% saturation of individual beneficiary schemes, emphasizing the meticulous compilation of data to facilitate informed decision-making and efficient resource allocation.

ADDC Sukhdev Singh Samyal, PO Poshan Mohd. Anwar Banday, Joint Director Planning, ACD, CMO and other concerned officers were present.