Record 100 Qt Mushroom Seed produced by Spawn production Lab Jammu in 2022-23
JAMMU, March 04: The Mushroom seed Production (spawn) and distribution by Spawn production Lab Jammu has crossed 100 Qtls mark .

Director Agriculture, Jammu K.K. Sharma said that spawn Production Lab, Jammu produces spawn for the entire Jammu Province as per the requirement of the Districts.
The Spawn of three types of Mushroom viz; Button Mushroom (A.biosporus), Dhingri Mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) and Milky Mushroom (Calocybe indica are produced in the Lab. The spawn production in the Lab was 71 Qtls during 2021-22 and it has increased to 101.5 Qtls in 2022-23, including (Button Mushroom- 59.99 Qtls, Dhingri-35.34 Qtls and Milky mushroom- 6.17 Qtls.).
Another major achievement during the year was production and distribution of 15 Qtls spawn of newly introduced high yielding Button Mushroom strain A-15 to Mushroom growers.
To give much needed fillip to Mushroom Production, a new hybrid Button Mushroom strain “NBS-5” has been procured from Directorate of Mushroom Research Solan during the current year and spawn of this new introduced strain will be provided to the growers from the forthcoming season. The main characteristics of the strain are resistant to overwatering/under-watering, high CO2 concentration and non browning characteristics. Director of Agriculture, Jammu also congratulated the entire spawn production team lead by Krishan Kant, Spawn Production Officer for putting all-out effort to accomplish this challenging task.
Joint Director Mushroom and Apiculture R.K. Hiteshi, while speaking on the occasion said that to promote Medicinal Mushroom Cultivation Shiitake (Lentinula Edodes) trials cultivation is in progress in Spawn Production Lab Jammu. Shiitake Mushroom renowned for its culinary and Medicinal properties is also called “Elixir of Life” and contains a polysaccharide “Lentinan” having anti cancer properties.
The results of first phase of trials are very encouraging and second phase cultivation is in progress .From September’2023 ready to fruit( RTF) blocks will be provided to Mushroom growers for cultivation of this specialty Medicinal Mushroom . Further, one more short duration high yielding strain of Shiitake namely L-388 has been procured from DMR-Solan and this will help in shortening the cultivation cycle of this Mushroom from 140 days to 70 days only.