Registration Deptt organizes CBP/ Training session on e-Stamping
SRINAGAR, February 15: In order to educate stakeholders on e-stamping system, its security features, and enhance understanding and promote efficient use of e-stamping system, the Registration Department today organized training and interactive sessions for its staff in collaboration with Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL).

The training programme was organized at Revenue Training Institute, Bemina Srinagar on the directions of the IGR, J&K, and was attended by AIGR Kashmir, Sub Registrars of Kashmir Division and their staff.
The e-stamping aims to enhance transparency, prevent paper and process related fraudulent practices, provide secure and reliable collection mechanism, stop the leakage of government revenues and store information in electronic form.
The technical experts from SCHIL gave detailed presentations on the steps involved in operation/usage of the e-stamping system, dos and don’ts of the process and trouble-shooting tips to ensure on-spot resolution of any technical glitches and errors.
Speaking on the occasion, AIGR Kashmir, Reyaz Ahrnad Wani, specifically stressed upon the participants to make use of this opportunity to clear all their doubts and misconceptions for a hassle-free, easy and efficient registration process.
He also threw light on the initiatives which have either been taken or are in the pipeline for a more transparent and citizen-friendly registration.