Saudi Naval Force trainees complete afloat Training Course at Indian Navy’s first training squadron

New Delhi [India], July 19 (ANI): Seventy-six trainees from the King Fahd Naval Academy of the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) completed their afloat training course at the First Training Squadron (1TS) of the Indian Navy on July 18.

The three week-long training at Kochi comprised harbour as well as a sea phase. The harbour phase focused largely on simulator-based training on navigational, firefighting and damage control aspects.

During the sea phase, the trainees were introduced to nuances of life at sea providing first-hand experience on ship handling, communication procedures and seamanship evolutions. Besides this, the trainees were introduced to sail training at Watermanship Training Centre and on-board INS Tarangini.

Participation of RSNF trainees alongside Indian Naval trainees in 107 Integrated Officers Training Course (IOTC) has immensely contributed towards enhanced bon homie and friendship amongst the trainees of both maritime nations.

The training programme also facilitated cultural exchange and engagements through organised visits to historical and local places of interest and friendly sports fixtures with Indian trainees.

In an event marking culmination of the training, RAdm Upal Kundu, Chief of Staff, Southern Naval Command, interacted with the trainees and Directing Staff of RSNF.

During interaction, the trainees shared their sea experiences and the directing staff expressed their appreciation on the high quality training imparted.

During the valedictory function, on-board INS Tir course completion certificates and alumni badges were presented to the trainees. A course memoir highlighting the journey of the trainees was also unveiled during the occasion.

The conduct of two successive training courses (2023 and this year), with enhanced participation, bears testimony to growing maritime partnership between the two Navies.