SCERT J&K, Divisional Office Jammu, organizes 5-day Capacity Building Program
JAMMU, SCERT February 10: Divisional Office Jammu organised 05-Day Capacity Building of Librarians and Exploration of ICT avenues for the Digitalisation of Libraries, Online Reading Materials like Books, Journals, etc. for Secondary and Senior Secondary Level w.e.f 6th to 10th of Feb. 2023.

This programme was organized by Department of Library and Documentation, Academic Unit-I, JKSCERT Jammu under the able guidance and supervision of Sh. H.R Pakhroo,Worthy Joint Director,JKSCERT Jammu.
The target group of the program was 50 Librarians/Jr.Librarians of Secondary and Senior Secondary Level, five from each district.The Aim and Objective of this Programme was to increase operational efficiency of the library as per the demand of NEP-2020 and to build the capacity of Librarians.
The Inaugural ceremony was graced by Sh. H.R. Pakhroo, worthy Joint Director, SCERT Jammu. Other dignitaries present in the occasion were Prof. Swarn Singh Jaral, Prof. Surjeet Kumar, Associate Professors Sh. NP Singh, Sh. Kishore Kumar, Sh. Vinod Gupta, Sh. Pawan Gupta and ShRomi Kumar and Assistant Professor, Mtr. Parveen Akther, Ms. IrvinderKour and Dr. Sanjeevani, SCERT, Jammu.
Welcome Address was presented by Ms. Ruchi Mohan, Associate Coordinator of the program. While addressing the gathering, worthy Joint Director laid stress on the need of the hour to digitalise and automate the Libraries to keep pace with the ever- changing technology and aspirations of the library users.
The expertise of Resource Persons was taken into consideration to achieve the aims of the Program. Resource Persons were invited from various Institutions, including, Prof. Sangita Gupta, Sh. H.S. Chauhan, Dr. P.K Singh, Dr. Anuradha Seth, Dr. Sudesh Kumar, Dr. Tarseem Singh, Dr. Vidya Lal Ganjoo, Ms. Mansha Khajuria and Ms. Usha Kumari. One online lecture was also conducted by Dr Shivrama Rao K., Associate Prof. Central University of H.P.Mr. Vivek Jandyal, Academic Officer, SCERT Jammu, also oriented the participants about handling the QR Codes in the field of Library and Information Sciences
JKSCERT, Jammu also organized a field trip to Dhanvantri Library, Jammu University, to get a first-hand experience of services and functionality of various sections of the Library.
In his valedictory speech, Sh. H. R. Pakhroo, Joint Director, SCERT Jammu, exhorted the participants, the Resource Persons and the organizing team to work in coordination with each other to achieve the desired objective of the program. The valedictory session was also graced by Joint Director, Central Office, ShFayaz Ahmed Fayaz.
The Training Program was coordinated by Sh. Bikram Singh (Academic Officer) and the organizing team included Ms. Ruchi Mohan (Librarian, Associate Coordinator), Mtr. Parveen Akhter (Assistant Professor), Dr. Shweta Kohli (Sr. Academic Officer), Ms. Pratibha Jamwal (Teacher), Mr. Ashok Kumar (Academic Officer), Mr. Navneet Gupta (Academic Officer), Mr.Parshotam Singh (Academic Officer), Mr. Anil Kumar (Academic Officer) and Mr. Yogesh Kumar (Academic Officer)under the overall supervision of Associate Prof. Vinod Gupta (Head, Department of Library and Documentation).