SMVDU, conducted One-Week (online) Short Term Course on “Factory of Future: Present and Future Perspectives”
One-Week (online) Short Term Course on “Factory of Future: Present and Future Perspectives” (Funded by PM-USHA Scheme, Govt. of India) is organized by School of Mechanical Engineering. This course is funded under the PM-USHA Scheme, a flagship initiative designed to promote skill development and foster innovation in cutting-edge technologies.

In this session various experts from academia and industry such as Prof. Niraj Sinha, IIT Kanpur; Prof. Velagapudi Vasu, NIT Warangal; Mr. Jitendra Kumar, Sr. Manager, BHEL Bhopal; Prof. Sunil Jha, IIT Delhi; Prof. Manupati Vijaya Kumar, IIM Mumbai; Prof. Somashekhar S. Hiremath, IIT Madras have delivered a talk on STP. Prof. (Dr.) Pragati Kumar, Vice Chancellor, SMVDU grace the occasion as patron who gave emphasize on the requirement of AI in manufacturing sectors.
Prof. (Dr.) Balbir Singh Dean Academic Affairs, SMVDU graced the occasion as Chief Guest who gave special attention towards automation in manufacturing sectors. Prof. (Dr.) R.K Jha, Dean Faculty of Engineering, SMVDU grace the occasion as a Guest of Honor who highlighted the use of electronics devices for facilitating the Factory of Future. Dr. Yatheshth Anand, Head, School of Mechanical Engineering delivered the special address who talked about the concept of sustainability in manufacturing sectors. Dr. Amit Kumar Sinha.and Dr. Rajiv Kumar coordinated the events and Dr. Sanjay Sharma act as co-cordinator for the event. Lastly vote of thanks given by Dr. Varun Dutta, Organizing Secratery, of the STP.