Students of Department of Sociology Participate in Gandhi Shilp Bazaar Exhibition
Jammu, Jan 12- The Post Graduate students of the Department of Sociology, University of Jammu participated in the ‘Gandhi Shilp Bazaar’,the 10 days Exhibition cum sale of Exquisite Handicrafts held at Bahu Plaza w.e.f. 24th December, 2022 to 2nd January, 2023.

The exhibition was organized by Rural Artisans Welfare Society and sponsored by Development Commissioner Handicrafts, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. The students of the Department of Sociology during this 10 days long event managed the overall functioning of the various stalls of the Artisans with the help of the organizers.
This event provided them a significant platform to interact with the rural artisans from all over the India. The students were exposed to the rich cultural heritage and the old age traditions and values of the country. Around 100 Artisans from across the country participated and showcased their products in 72 broad categories of craft.
On the last day of the event, the valedictory function was organized in which Deputy commissioner Jammu Ms. AvnyLavasa was the Chief Guest, Prof. Vishav Raksha, Head, Department of Sociology and Dr. Hema Gandotra, Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Ms Diksha Nargotra and Dr. Gopal sharma, Faculty members were special invitees.
The efforts of the Department of Sociology in general and the students in particular were much appreciated by the Deputy Commissioner, Jammu, the organisers and the artisans from all over the country.
Madam Lavasa congratulated the Head, Prof Vishav Raksha for involving the students in such activities and giving them the platform to understand the rich heritage of India and the practical field experience. Later, the Students were given certificates of appreciation by the Deputy Commissioner, Jammu.