SVEEP Awareness programmes held at Shopian

SHOPIAN, April 13: Under the directions of District Election officer Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya, Awareness programmes under SVEEP were today organized at Govt Degree College Zainpora and Govt Higher Secondary School Keegam.

The programmes were led by a team of election employees under the supervision of Electoral Registration Officer Zainpora, Mushtaq Rasool and Dy. District Election Officer Shopian, Jahanger Ahmad.

A large gathering of teachers, students and other officers/ officials were addressed during the programmes on this occasion.  

Dy. District Election Officer, spoke about the significance of electoral participation and electoral roll registration in the ongoing Electoral Roll revision and stressed upon participants for maximum voter registration.

Election Naib Tehsildar and Booth Level Officers were also present during the programme and shared their experiences among the participants to register themselves through their concerned BLOs. 

A large number of forms viz. Form 6, Form 7 and Form 8 were also distributed among the students and brief descriptions about the forms were given to the students.

Electoral Registration Officer Zainapora during his address gave a brief lecture about the importance of vote and elections and informed the students how to register themselves through various modes. He also highlighted the educational value and importance of SVEEP and other Electoral processes.

A list of all the Booth Level Officers (BLO) was also shared with the school students and they were informed to contact their concerned Booth Level officer for further assistance and help.      

The schedule of revision issued from Chief Electoral Officer J&K for Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls was also displayed before the students and the students were educated about how to fill Form No. 6, 6B, 7, 8 for error free and 100% photo electoral roll.