SVEEP: Plantation drive to enhance Electoral Participation held at Middle School Mugalpora Kupwara

KUPWARA, SEPTEMBER 14: In line with our commitment to promoting Electoral Awareness, a Plantation Drive under SVEEP was today carried out by District Nodal Officer SVEEP in Green Polling station, Middle School Mugalpora.

This green initiative attracts different segments of voters for strong Democracy. This event is not just about planting trees, it also symbolizes our commitment to nurture both our environment and our democratic values.

District Nodal Officer SVEEP (Chief Education Officer) Kupwara, Ab. Majeed Dar started a plantation of 100 saplings at Middle School Mughalpora (Green Polling station). About 10000 saplings have been planted so far to contribute to a healthier planet besides representing our collective responsibility towards voter Awareness and participation.

The SVEEP initiative is dedicated to fostering civic engagement and ensuring that every eligible voter is aware of his rights and responsibilities. By combining Environmental efforts with voter Education, the aim is to create a more informed and engaged community.