TBS, Jammu University organized One Week FDP on OBE cum HRDC & Thapar Institute of Engineering &Technology
JAMMU, March 17: One Week Faculty Development Programme (Train the Trainer) on Outcome-Based Pedagogy Organized by The Business School in collaboration with Human Resource Development Centre,University of Jammu& Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala concludes today.

The Business School in collaboration with Human Resource Development Centre, University of Jammu,andThapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, organized a one-week Faculty Development Programme(FDP) “Train the Trainer” on Outcome-based Learning Pedagogy, from 13 March to 17 March 2023. More than 40 faculty members from different departments of the University of Jammu and its affiliated colleges attended the programme.
The FDP was inaugurated by Professor Vinay Chauhan, Director of The Business School, University of Jammu, and Professor Alka Sharma, Convenor of the University Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Centre on 13th March. While addressing the participants, Professor Vinay Chauhan emphasized that the programme would equip faculty members with the necessary skills and knowledge to design and implement effective outcome-based learning strategies. He further addressed that this programme would not only enhance the teaching skills of the faculty members but also improve the overall quality of education in the region. He accentuated the importance of emerging technologies, teaching methods, and evaluation strategies that must be adapted to the changing needs of the education curriculum.
TIETs six eminent resource persons Prof, Tejinder Paul Singh, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Manmohan Chhibber, School of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Prof. Rajesh Khanna, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr Anoop Verma, School of Energy and Environment, Dr Parag Nijhawan, Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering and DrKarminder Ghuman, Chief Coordinator, Science and Technology Entrepreneur’s Park.These trainers were trained by Centre for Academic Practice and Student Learning at Trinity College, Dublin, for 18 weeks and have completed Special Purpose Certificate in academic practice (SPCert) and “Train the Trainers” program.
Prof. Tejinder Paul Singh, Professor Manmohan Chhiber and Professor Rajesh Khannaenlightened the participants regarding the various techniques for designing CLOs using Bloom’s Taxonomy, calculating OBE, PEOs, PO, CLOs, and designing rubrics on the first three days of training. For the remaining two days of the programme, Dr Anoop Verma, Dr Parag Nijhawan, and Dr Karminder Ghuman were the resource persons. They familiarized the participants with Project-based Learning, Research-Integrated Teaching, Designing Blow-up Syllabi & Course plans for OBE, Green Audit Reports and Student-Centric Learning.In their concluding remarks, the resource persons stated that the sessions would help the participants learn, understand and practice the technology-based learning methodologies to develop formative and summative assessments of student progress and learning.
The valedictory function was held on 17th March. Prof. Naresh Padha, Dean Academic Affairs (DAA), Jammu University, was the chief guest for the valedictory function. During his address, he emphasized the significance of technology and how faculty can contribute to the technical evolution of the education sector. Prof. Neelu Rohmetra, Director, Directorate of Distance and Online Education, and Professor of The Business School delivered the keynote address and highlighted the significance of outcome-based learning pedagogy. Prof. Sundeep Pandita, Director,HRDC, assured such programmes would be a regular feature. At the valedictory session, the participants were awarded certificates of participation.
Professor Versha Mehta, Dean of Business Studies, emphasized the need for training the teachers by conducting such kind of Train the Trainer program and appreciated the efforts of Dr, Rachna Mahajan, Convener of the FDP and Associate Professor, The Business School. Prof. Sameer Gupta, Professor, The Business School delivered a vote of thanks.