TBS JU launches interactive Website to strengthen digital presence
Jammu, Feb 07- The Business School, University of Jammu has refurbished its existing website with the domain name www.tbs.jammuuniversity.ac.in which was launched by Prof. Anju Bhasin, I/C Vice Chancellor and Dean Academic Affairs, University of Jammu. The upgraded website is mandated to strengthen its presence in the digital space. The website is loaded with highly interactive features to cater to the needs of students seeking admission to MBA and EMBA programme. Through the website, The Business School intends to provide clear and concise information to visitors regarding the admission process, Faculty Profile, Fee Details, Placements and all other department related information. The website also hosts a secure server and payment gateway to protect user’s personal and financial information.

The entire website has been designed under the able leadership of Er. Anik Gupta, Director Centre for IT Enabled Services & Management and his dedicated team comprising Er Vinod Parihar and Manish Bhardwaj.
Earlier, Prof. Vinay Chauhan, Director TBS appraised Prof. Anju Bhasin about the above mentioned refurbished website and its importance particularly in enhancing MBA and MBA Executive admissions of TBS. Prof. Sameer Gupta, former Director TBS was also present on the occasion.
Dr Aubid Hussain Parrey executed and coordinated on behalf of The Business School for design and development of the said website.