Teachers’ Role as a Key to Making Society: First Shiksha Shastrarth Concluded
JAMMU Oct. 18, 2023: The Department of Educational Studies, Central University of Jammu, on the auspicious fourth day of ‘Navratri’ initiated ‘Shiksha Shastrarth’, a forum created to ignite the passion for learning through lectures, interactions, dialogues and discussions on a range of contemporary educational topics. The theme of the inaugural discourse was “The Indian Tradition of Teacher Education and its Contemporary Relevance”.

Prof. Sanjeev Jain, Vice Chancellor, Central University of Jammu, was the chief guest on the occasion. He insisted on the role of education to give the right directions to any individual and thereby teachers’ key role in constructing an ideal society. Quoting NEP 2020, he said that education is for all and quality education should reach all. He calibrated the attention of the learned gathering to get back to the Indian tradition characterized by focusing on learners’ choices and interests.
Prof. Asit Mantry Head of the Department shared his thoughts with the students and highlighted how this forum will act to productively engage young and creative minds in the endeavour of knowledge construction. He informed that the forum will also feature distinguished speakers from diverse knowledge domains offering valuable perspectives and expertise.
The event began with the lamp lighting and chanting of ‘Gayatri Mantra’ followed by a formal welcome address by Dr. Kiran (Coordinator of the Co-Curricular committee). The formal curtain-raising of Shiksha Shastrarth was done by the honorable Vice Chancellor who was the Key Resource Person and the Chief Guest of the event. The address of the key resource person was followed by the inquisitive enquiry-cum-discussion from the students and scholars of the Department.
Prof. Ritu Bakshi (Dean Student Welfare), Prof. J N Baliya, Dr. Aman, Dr. Ravi, Dr. Mohan, Dr. Anil, Dr. Aarushi, Ms. Shivali along with the students and scholars had marked their active presence in the event.
The event was concluded by a formal vote of thanks by Dr. Yad Ram (member of the Co-Curricular committee).