Three In-service-Training Programmes conclude at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Samba
SAMBA, August 25: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Samba organized three in-service training programmes for field functionaries from August 23, 2023 to August 25, 2023 at its Campus.

The three day series of in-service training programmes was attended by 39 officers from the Department of agriculture. The coordinators of the three training programmers titled “IPM strategies for Kharif crop”; “Micro rain water harvesting and Enhancing water productivity” and “Agrotechnology of important grasses for Samba Kandi” were Dr. Saurav Gupta, Scientist Entomology; Dr. Abhay Kumar Sinha, Scientist Engineering and Dr. Sanjay Khajuria, Chief Scientist Agroforestry.
The programme started with the introduction of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Samba by Dr. Sanjay Khajuria, Chief Scientist & Head Agroforestry cum training coordinator of the programme Samba. He welcomed all the participants and discussed the mandates and functions of KVK.
Dr. Neerja Sharma, Scientist Horticulture, discussed in detail about the vegetable farming by using efficient resources to sustain livelihood. She gave a detailed resume on natural resources, especially those of soil and water, plant diversity, vegetation cover, renewable energy sources. Dr. Abhay Kumar Sinha, Sr. Scientist Ag Engineering laid stress on water management and its importance.
Dr. Saurav Gupta, Scientist Entomology, explained the measures to control insect and pests of the major kharif field crops through IPM modules. He also discussed different ways to control major insects-pests of Paddy, Maize, Mash, Sesame crops through modern techniques.