Thursday Mind Meet Held at Central University of Jammu
JAMMU, October 19: Department of Economics in collaboration with School of Languages, Central University of Jammu, organized a Thursday Mind Meet panel discussion focusing on the National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020.

Sh. Kamal P. Patnaik, Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh region was the Chief Guest and shared his thoughts on “New Education Policy for a New India”. Mr. Patnaik in his address covered the genesis of the National Educational Policy 2020 and underscored the mechanism of taking the Indian knowledge system forward. He not only shed light on the intricate nuances of the policy but also gave us a broader perspective on how it aligns with the economic and financial landscape of India. He emphasised on 3 E’s viz. Education, Ecology and Economy as foundation of NEP 2020. The correlation between education and the financial fabric of the nation was highlighted by him. He broadened the horizons of interventions by demonstrating the RBI’s commitment not just to monetary and fiscal matters, but also to the educational framework, which is the bedrock of our nation’s future.
Sh. Patnaik referred to how Indian Universities are undergoing changes to achieve the much-needed objectives. He also pointed out what currently ails Indian research and how NEP 2020 makes an attempt to make research responsible, relevant, and people friendly while being at the forefront of learning. He discussed the regional imbalance that is currently observed in India. Sh. Patnaik was optimistic about the outcome of the NEP 2020 that is intended to make research in Indian universities more proactive and inclusive. He emphasised that a proper policy framework can bring in desired transformative changes in our educational country.
Ms. Ananya Khajuria, Research Scholar of the Department focussed on taking inclusive approach by encouraging collaborative research and student exchange programmes for holistic development.
Ms. Janhavi Chohan, PG student of the Department appreciated the Government’s initiative to integrate traditional knowledge and values into the modern education system thereby fostering the deeper connection between students and their cultural roots. Ms. Kritika, UG student of the Department, showed concern about the education structure system wherein the inclusion of Indian regional languages has shown a positive impact on the students as well as on the teachers.
The Thursday Mind Meet programme is an outcome of consistent initiative by the Honourable Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sanjeev Jain on research, dissemination and skill enhancement among the students. He appreciated the initiatives taken by the Department of Economics and School of Languages and encouraged the Department to hold more events of this nature for the students’ overall development.
Prof. Yashwant Singh, Registrar, Central University of Jammu appreciated the initiatives taken by the Department of Economics and encouraged the Department to conduct more of these kinds of events.
Professor Aswini Kumar Nanda, Head, Department of Economics welcomed the august gathering. Prof. Vandana Sharma, Convener of Thursday Mind Meet Programme moderated the event. Dr Shaveta Kohli, Associate Professor, Department of Economics outlined the overview of the Panel discussion and proposed the formal vote of thanks. The event was widely attended by the students and scholars of the various Departments of CUJ.