Tiny Scholar School Kathua Organize Certificate Distribution Function

 KATHUA, April 26: “Felicitation is inspiration to others and motivation to whom you are felicitating. “It’s tremendous to felicitate our brilliant students for their hard work and dedication.

Tiny scholars’ family feel immense pleasure to appreciate the deserving one who took participated in the SOF examination and brought appreciation. Gold Medals and certificates were given to the students. Tiny Scholar Tiny Scholar Director  Manisha Gupta & said We consider children as our future. So, we should brighten up their future by bringing forth the hidden talents of the children. Principal Reena Khajuriya said Our school truly believes that good education plays a crucial role in building a bright future for our children. Therefore, here we are committed to providing an atmosphere to our students where they all can imbibe good values and learn new things every day.


I am extremely glad at the fact that our school committee members as well as teachers are leaving no stone unturned in working towards this direction.