Tourism Department conducts Tourist Guide examination

SRINAGAR, December 09: In order to streamline various Tourism trade services and further enhance the professionalism, the Directorate of Tourism Kashmir has started conducting exams for the tourist guides. The initiative reflects the department’s commitment to promoting excellence in the tourism sector. By setting standards for tourist guides, the Department hopes to enhance the overall experience for visitors to Jammu and Kashmir.

The exam covers a broad spectrum of topics, including local history, cultural heritage, safety protocols and communication skills. This comprehensive assessment ensures that registered guides are well-equipped to offer informative and enriching experiences to tourists.

To be held twice a year, this is the second exam in series this year. “It reflects a forward-looking approach to tourism management. By focusing on the quality of services offered to visitors, the Department aims to establish Jammu and Kashmir as a premier tourist destination with well-informed and accredited guides leading the way,” said Director Tourism Kashmir Raja Yaqoob.

More than 100 youth appeared in today’s examination and the selected ones shall be given training in collaboration with SIDBI.