Training Cum Orientation Prog under “Holistic Development of Agriculture and allied sectors” held at Lalmandi Srinagar
Allied departments must work in close coordination to get desired results, achieve targets: DAK

SRINAGAR, FEBRUARY 8: The Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal today inaugurated district-level orientation cum training programme under holistic development of agriculture and allied sectors at agriculture complex Lalmandi Srinagar.
While addressing the participants of the training programme Director Agriculture highlighted the importance of projects under holistic document. He asked the officers that this document will be a game changer in the overall development of agriculture sector in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. He said the projects have been designed in such a way that the potential in all the allied wings would be explored to their capacity.
Director Agriculture impressed upon the officers of agriculture and allied departments to work in close coordination so that the set targets under different projects, the desired results could be achieved.
He said that the orientation cum training programme under holistic document are aimed to raise awareness among the offices regarding various approved projects so that the same could be implemented on ground in a comprehensive manner. Similar programmes were held all the districts of Kashmir division.
The Training Programme was attended by Joint Director Apiculture and Mushroom Tabassum Naz, Dr. Nighat Ara Resource Person (JKHPMC), Dr. Asma Rafiq Resource person (SMS KVK Srinagar), the officers of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, JKHPMC, KVKs, and allied wings.