Training Cum Orientation Programme under “Holistic Agriculture Development Programme” held at KVK Kathua.

Kathua:- Today Sh. Sanjeev Rai Gupta, Chief Agriculture Officer Kathua inaugurated District Level Orientation cum Training Programme under “Holistic Agriculture Development Programme” which was held at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kathua. The programme was organized by Agriculture Production and Farmers Welfare Department, Kathua in collaboration with KVK, Head, Kathua.

While addressing the participants of the training programme Sh. Sanjeev Rai Gupta, Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua underline the importance of 29 projects approved under “Holistic Agriculture Development Programme and Allied Sectors” and this projects will be a game changer in the overall agriculture scenario of the region. 

 He impressed upon the Officers to work in close coordination so that the set targets under different projects as desired result could be achieved within specific time frame. The projects have been designed in such a way that the potential in all the allied wings would be explored to their capacity and aimed to raise awareness among the offices regarding various approved projects so that the same could be implemented on ground level in a comprehensive manner. 

The 03 nos. of training has been conducted on today, started with a titles as 1. Seed and Seed Multiplication, 2. Promotion of Niche Crops & 3. Vegetables / Exotic Vegetables. 

As a resource persons, Sh. Sanjeev Rai Gupta, Chief Agriculture Officer, Kathua share the valuable technical knowledge during the course of District Level Orientation Training Programme regarding “Promotion of NICHE CROPS”, “Importance for growing of Exotic Vegetable how and when” by Sh. Raj Singh ( SMS- DL), “Seed and Seed Multiplication” by Sh. Vishal Mahajan, KVK-Head, Kathua, for suitable and sustainable agriculture.

He said that the department has working on a strategy for bringing the gap in demand of supply of seed and to make the plan in advance for its timely distributed to the farmers before season started.  

Besides, Sh. Vishal Mahajan, KVK, Head, Kathua, Sh. Murari Lal, District Agriculture Officer (Extension), Kathua were speaker as resource person in Training cum Orientation programme held today.