Training programme for sheep breeders held at Banihal

RAMBAN, September 11: The Department of Sheep Husbandry Ramban, in collaboration with the Jammu and Kashmir Wool Development and Marketing Association, conducted a two-day training and capacity-building program for breeders at Banihal. The Training was held under the Holistic Agriculture Development Programme(HADP) here  .

The training programme was attended by a large number of progressive sheep and goat breeders, PRIs and locals.

This program focused on enhancing the knowledge and skills of Farmers’ Producer Organizations and sheep breeders in the areas of wool and pelt processing as well as marketing strategies.

During the program, sheep and goat breeders were encouraged to harness technology to maximize the value addition of their sheep and goat products. This included the development of diversified value-added woolen and meat products.

They were informed that the local area is ideally suited for sheep rearing and urged the youth to come forward to avail the benefits under various Govt schemes available under the sector.

Breeders were suggested to make use of the latest technology and rear genetically improved cross breeds to start sheep farming as a viable income generating option.