Two day workshop on Disaster preparedness in Jammu and Kashmir culminates at CoE, Srinagar
SRINAGAR, MAY 17: The day 2 of the workshop started with Technical Session III in which Bilquess Dar, Consultant DMRRR deliberated upon Emergency Response Support System, India Disaster Resource Network, Decision Support System, Common Alerting Protocol and State Emergency Operation Centre.

The Consultant DMRRR highlighted implementation of various disaster management initiatives in the UT of J&K in which she thoroughly discussed about Emergency Operation Centers. She made audience aware about One India One Emergency Number-112. She impressed upon the volunteers to download Mobile Application namely SACHET wherein each individual can get early warnings, alerts and do’s & don’ts of disaster.
She highlighted IDRN (Indian Disaster Resource Network) which is a web based platform for managing inventory of equipment’s, skilled human resources and critical supplies for emergency response.
The Technical Session IV was conducted in the College lawn wherein the SDRF Battalion 1st Kashmir Division provided handholding to the participants regarding different disasters like building collapse, firefighting etc. The volunteers were keenly observing the demonstrations by the team and many volunteers also participated in the same.
The Technical Session V was conducted by the SDRF Battalion 1st Kashmir Division in the auditorium where they gave practical demonstration to the volunteers regarding search and rescue.
The technical session was followed by a question answer session and many queries regarding the disasters and its associated themes were answered by the consultants from DMRRR.
At the end, some of the NSS Officers, NSS volunteers from both colleges and schools shared their views regarding the Two Day Workshop and impressed upon DMRRR and Higher Education Department to conduct such programmes in future also as these programme will give firsthand information to the people regarding disaster preparedness.
The workshop concluded with a valedictory function in which Prof. (Dr) Seema Naz, Principal College of Education Srinagar distributed certificates among the NSS Officers and volunteers from different colleges and schools.