Udhampur hosts 3-Day training on drug abuse detection and management
UDHAMPUR, MARCH 23: A three-day training programme for early detection of drug abuse and post-detection management was organised by the Department of Social Welfare at the DC Office Complex today. The programme was held in collaboration between Mission Youth and the district administration.

Additional District Development Commissioner, Ghan Shyam Singh was the chief guest who inaugurated the training programme in the presence of District Social Welfare Officer, Kanika Gupta. Around 200 students from various colleges and educational institutions participated in the training.
During his speech, Singh highlighted the harmful effects of drugs and advised participants to focus their attention and energy in the right direction. He encouraged them to not only devote time to their academics but also participate in sports for all-round development and to avoid dangerous addictions. He appealed to the public and participants to join hands in fighting drug abuse and eliminating this social evil from society.
Health expert Dr Nikhil Gupta, resource persons DySP (DAR), Shahid Naeem and Dr Vinod Bharadwaj delivered informative lectures on the ill effects of narcotic drugs. They emphasised that drug abuse is a challenge facing the country and urged all stakeholders to join in raising awareness about its harmful effects and measures to prevent it. They also provided detailed information on how to recognise drug addiction, treatment and testing processes.