UN Human Rights Chief calls for coordinated regional approach to protect Myanmar refugees

Geneva [Switzerland], December 31 (ANI): UN Human Rights Chief Volker Turk has called for a coordinated regional approach to protect the thousands of desperate Rohingya who risk their lives by undertaking perilous sea voyages.

“More than 2,400 Rohingya have sought to leave Bangladesh and Myanmar in 2022 alone, and I am deeply saddened that over 200 have reportedly lost their lives on the way. Recent reports indicate that overcrowded and unsafe boats carrying Rohingyas have been left to drift for days on end without any help,” Turk said in a statement released by the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. “As the crisis at sea continues, I urge countries in the region to put in place a coordination mechanism to ensure proactive search and rescue, the disembarkation of Rohingya refugees on their territories, and their effective protection,” he added, noting that some States had already provided assistance.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights called on countries in the region and globally to help Bangladesh support the over one million Rohingya refugees who have sought protection there since 2017.
“Clearly, an urgent solution must be found to enable the voluntary return of all Rohingya, with full respect of their dignity and human rights as full and equal citizens of Myanmar,” he added.

According to the UN, there were an estimated 1,473,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) within Myanmar during the reporting period, including 1,143,000 people who have been newly displaced since 1 February 2021.
In the North-West, the security situation remains volatile across Chin State, Sagaing, and Magway Regions. Displacement due to active armed clashes, arson and airstrikes continue.

According to UN, Humanitarian access has been challenging, particularly in Sagaing Region where the needs are most acute. Conflict is expected to escalate in the winter, leaving civilians at risk of attacks. In Rakhine and Chin (South) States, clashes, indiscriminate shelling and landmine explosions were reported.
Food shortages and limited humanitarian support due to movement restrictions have affected communities, particularly in Buthidaung, Maungdaw, Rathedaung, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Myebon, Kyauktaw and Pauktaw.

The situation in Rakhine State has been generally calm albeit tense following the announcement of an informal ceasefire agreement between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) in late November.