Under the aegis of Duggar Darpan, Jammu University organizes Karigari Pratiyogita
JAMMU, March 14: Under the aegis of Duggar Darpan, Heritage and Tourism Club, UTSAAH, University of Jammu organized a Karigari Pratiyogita on 14th March, 2023, which saw the participation of various students and scholars of University of Jammu. The Chief Guest on the occasion was Ms. Megha Boagia, Deputy Director (planning) Directorate of Handloom and Handicraft.

Ms. Megha Boagia, Deputy Director (planning) Directorate of Handloom and Handicraft in her address appreciated the efforts of students in depicting the culture of Jammu by decorating the traditional Chajj and Binnas that can be sold as souvenirs. Further,she emphasized upon the role of such events in promoting entrepreneurial spirits amongst the youth of the region.
Earlier, Prof Satnam Kour, Convener, UTSAAH, in her welcome addresssaid that the event has been conceptualized to promote, preserve and popularize the rich cultural heritage of the region. She informed that under the leadership of Hon’ble Vice chancellor, Prof Umesh Rai, the club clusters aims to provide a platform to the students to express their creativity across various aspects.
Prof. Deepak Raj Gupta, Director, SHTM, in his remarks stressed upon the active involvement of our youth in cultural events as they are the real torchbearers of the Country’s growth and development. Further, he emphasized that these kinds of events act as a catalyst for people to stay connected to their roots and carry forward their cultural legacy.
The event was coordinated by Dr. Suvidha Khanna, Coordinator, Heritage and Tourism Club, University of Jammu
The competition was judged by Ms. Sanchita Pradhan Khajuria, Director, Shilpkari Bazaar, Prof. Parmeshwari Sharma and Mr. Sumit Sharma.
The First Prize winners of Karigari Pratiyogita are Aditi Samnotra, Kavneet kour and Kanishka Kapoor, Second Prize winners are Ananta Singh, Divyansh Mahajan and Arjun Bhalla and Third Prize winners are Ashmit Jandiyal, Ayushi Sharma and Komal Aggarwal.
Other dignitaries present were. Anil Gupta, Associate Dean(DSW), Dr Garima Gupta Associate Dean (DSW), Dr Sadaf Shah, Dr Chinmayae and Other faculty members, research scholars and students of SHTM. A formal Vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Poonam Sharma.