University of Jammu bagged 1st Prize in Hackathon 1.0
JAMMU, March 5: CSIR Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu organized Hackathon 1.0 competition as a part of National Science Day 2023for empowering, promoting and strengthening biotech-based Startup Ecosystem & Skill Development in youth of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. More than 30 teams participated from all over J&K with startup ideas which could bring a promising product/technology in the market.

One among these was the team from Department of Botany, University of Jammu. All the participants gave an innovative pitch to their respective business ideas. All were felicitated with the appreciation certificates and trophies. The team of Department of Botany, University of Jammu bagged 1st prize in the competition held in the premises of CSIR-IIIM Jammu.
The idea was a novel invention from NMHS Project “Database development on diversity and indigenous knowledge on mushrooms toward their cultivation and conservation in trans Himalayan district of Kargil” whose Principal Investigator is Prof. Yash Pal Sharma.
The team comprising of Mr. Azhar, Mr. Komal, Mr. Anil, Ms. Shiny and Ms. Swetaalong with Prof. VeenuKaul, Head, Department of Botany and other faculty members was also felicitated by Prof. Umesh Rai, Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu, Jammu. While congratulating the winners, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor emphasized upon the need for following trans-disciplinary approaches in solving the day-to-day issues of the society. For this, he said that active participation of more scholars and students in such events will make them aware of these societal needs and prove helpful in boosting their confidence for undertaking such assignments.
Earlier, Professor VeenuKaul, President Institution’s Innovation Council, University of Jammu apprised the VC and others about the awareness campaign on Innovation, Incubation, Startups and Hackathon held on Feb. 23, 2023 for all the student/scholar nominees of the council. The resource persons, Dr. Saurabh Saran and Er. Ankush Varma, experts in the field, were from CSIR-IIIM and it was held in the Department of Botany, University of Jammu. The event was highly informative and inspiring for the young budding entrepreneurs. Among others, Professors Namrata Sharma, SusheelVerma, Drs. Geeta and Skarma were also present.