Upbhokta Lok Adalat held at District Court Complex, Moominabad

08 cases settled amicably, Rs. 2,71,085 awarded as compensation

SRINAGAR, February 25: The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commision, Srinagar today held an Upbhokta Lok Adalat for settlement of consumer disputes through reconciliation at District Court Complex, Moominabad, here.

 The Lok Adalat was presided over by Farah Deeba, President (O) DCDRC along-with Shabnum Munshi (Member).

A total of 13 complaints were taken up for settlement in the said Lok Adalat out of which 08 cases were settled amicably and a sum of Rs. 2,71,085 was awarded as compensation in favour of complainants in the instant cases.