Weekly health mela held across UT Ladakh under NHM Ladakh
Leh,Sept 22, 2023: To enhance public health and well-being, a weekly health mela under the nationwide Ayushman Bhav campaign was conducted at all Health and Wellness Centre (HWCs) across UT Ladakh.

The main highlights of the health mela were screening of non-communicable Disease (NCD), awareness about communicable diseases, wellness activities such as yoga sessions, promoting both physical and mental well-being.
Besides, Ayushman Golden Cards were generated, ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare services for the beneficiaries. Also, ABHA ID Card was created
Mission Director, National Health Mission, Ladakh, Dr Motup Dorje played a pivotal role in orchestrating this healthcare spectacle.
It was informed that the weekly health mela epitomized the holistic spirit of healthcare by integrating preventive measures, awareness, and enhanced access. Further, informed that it not only addressed existing healthcare challenges but also laid the foundation for a healthier and more resilient Ladakh.