Weekly Program Thursday Mind Meet Held in CUJ
Brainstorming session focusing on “The Influence of Indian Dharma Culture on Japan”
Jammu, 08 Feb 2024: Centre for Comparative Religions and Civilizations (CCRC), Central University of Jammu, organized a Thursday Mind Meet panel discussion focusing on the “The Influence of Indian Dharma Culture on Japan”.

Prof. Siddharth Singh, Ex Director, Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Embassy of India (Tokyo) was the esteemed guest speaker and joined in the program virtually.
Prof Siddharth Singh underlined the importance of Indo-Japan Relationship. He explained how the present Modi government helped in boosting traditional ties with Japan. He explained the history of Buddhism that connects the two nations through literature, monuments, festivals, religious rituals. He also shared pics of Famous Buddhist Site where mantra is written in Indian Siddham Script and also resemblance of various Vedic Hindu God/goddess with Japanese deities.
The Thursday Mind Meet programme is an outcome of consistent initiative by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sanjeev Jain on research, dissemination ,skill enhancement and promoting a culture of Intellectual curiosity within the university community.
Prof. Vandana Sharma, Dean, School of Languages was the Convener and Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Director, Centre for Comparative Religions and Civilizations was the co-convener of the event.
Other panelists include Prof. Aswini K Nanda, Prof. Niranjna Bhandari, Dr. Arvind Rituraj, Dr. Amita Gupta, Dr. Ashwini Kumar and Dr. Snigdha Raj, Prof. Niranjana gave welcome addresses and session was moderated by Dr. Snigdha Raj.
The event was widely attended by the students, scholars, faculty members and Deans of the various departments of CUJ.