YV Sharma dismayed over ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ by Congress
JAMMU, January 9: YV Sharma Spokesperson BJP UT has said that Indian National Congress (INC) & their leftist ideologues are adept at misusing, rather abusing, the sacrosanct words of Bhartiya culture & tradition & getting away with it. Earlier they abused the word “Bhakt” which has temporal nuances within Indian traditions & now they are abusing the words “Tapasya” & “Puja”.

This is evident from the statements of Rahul Gandhi who while addressing media persons, time-lined at Kurukshetra, during his so called “Bharat Jodo Yatra” used these words unashamedly. It’s high time that the people of the country, especially J&K where the “Yatra” is slated to arrive in later part of the month, call Rahul Gandhi’s bluff & pointedly ask him as to what right he or his leftist friends have to fiddle with the sentiments of the people of the country by misusing the words that have a sacrosanct meaning in Bharatiya culture & sentiments.
The so called “Tapasya” of Rahul Gandhi is visible to all Indians who cannot be befooled. If travelling & enjoying the facilities in “caravans” with 5 star facilities is tomtommed as “Tapasya” then one can only pray to the Almighty that such fickle headed people may be made to see reason & brought to their senses once again by the intelligent people of the country.
In fact, whenever INC has given call for uniting the country it has worked overtime to divide it. Congress party gave a pledge to the people of the country in the 1940s that they shall leave no stone unturned to keep the country united but eventually collaborated with the British & MA Jinnah to ensure its division in 1947 causing bloodbath & mayhem. Thus the phenomenon of “Jodo” that time was reversed by political slugfest & misplaced ambitions & calculations of the few at the helm of affairs in the INC resulted in “Todo” – division – of the country.
When the Indian forces arrived in J&K in the face of armed attack by the Pakistan forces in 1947 the friendship between Pt. Nehru & Sheikh Abdullah ensured that the princely state of J&K is permanently dismembered with large chunks of the state falling in the hands of the newly created Pakistan. Maharaja Hari Singh & people of J&K kept on looking at the powers that be in the hope that the state would be united but INC leadership ensured that the state continues to be divided by calling for a ceasefire on 01.01.1949. So much for the “Jodo” adrenaline of the INC.
Though it doesn’t need to be reminded but this is the most appropriate time to mention that while the people of the country looked expectantly towards the top leadership of INC for some stabilisation in its Northern frontiers when JL Nehru faltered once again & handed over the vast tracts of the J&K state to the Chinese aggressors. This, in the history of India in general & J&K in particular, is the other “Todo” moment of INC, which now is pretending to be the messiah of the people of the country by their so called “Bharat Jodo Yatra”.
Today even J&K is divided into several parts because of the “ku-karam” of INC & yet it has the cheek to run around with a “Jodo” prescription.
The people of J&K must keep these facts in mind during the period the so called “Bharat Joda Yatra” enters the UT of J&K. They must remember that INC is a juggernaut that has damaged J&K more than any other political entity of the country by standing with the people & political entities, both inside & outside J&K, who encouraged fissiparous tendencies & unleashed a reign of terror & divide & rule. It’s this tendency that compelled the INC to incorporate the temporary art 370 in the Indian constitution that was rescinded in Aug 2019. In fact it is for the first time on 05.08.2019 that the Indian nation attained complete unity after the article was neutered by the Indian Parliament.
The history of the INC shows that it has usually divided the people of the country for garnering votes on the basis of culture, caste, language, gender & religion. They have been bitter about the Bhartiya culture & traditions. The first family of INC & their cohorts, used to entitlements as they are, have not been able to digest the rise of an aspirational class in India, of which Narendra Modi is an inspirational role model & thus they are left with no option but to indulge in falsehood.
They fail to reflect that in spite of the Russia-Ukraine war the political leadership in India has tried to ensure that the war does not impact the common Indians. If they look around they will realise the pain of Europe & Africa because of this war.
As such the people of J&K must be very cautious while the “Bharat Jodo Yatra” is in J&K as the history of INC will reveal that it has never united anything, they have rather divided for their own short lived political benefits though they pretend to be uniting it. There is a clear cut reversal of intentions between what they do & what they preach.